What is fitness?

We assume the word ‘fitness’ means physical fitness.  But it is so much more!  Having a fit body requires having a fit mind, a fit environment, a fit schedule, a fit diet and fit sleep.  Let’s look at the definition of the word.  Fitness is a noun from the root word, ‘fit’.

\ ˈfit \
1    a: acceptable from a particular viewpoint
      b: (1) adapted to an end or design
          (2)  adapted to the environment so as to be capable of surviving


I have known and taught that physical fitness is impossible to achieve and maintain without fitness in other areas of life.  Going forward from this post; I will address all aspects of fitness, a.k.a. holistic fitness

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How many folks do you know say they don’t want to drink anything
before going to bed because they’ll have to get up during the night?

Requirements go by body weight — somewhere between .5 and 1 ounce per pound.
The amount you need on a daily basis depends upon your diet and lifestyle.  To be
safe;  go for .75 ounces per pound.  e.g. 100lb person would drink 75 ounces of
water daily.  (Note: Sip at room temperature)

Why do people need to urinate so much at night-time?
According to Cardiac Specialists:

Gravity holds water in the lower part of your body when you are upright – legs
swell.  When you lie down; the water in your lower body seeks level with
the kidneys.  It is then that the kidneys remove the water because it is
easier. This then ties in with the last statement.  You need a sufficient
amount of water to help flush the toxins out of your body.

Water splashing into glass

Drinking water at a certain time maximizes its  effectiveness on  the  body:

  • 2 glasses  of water after waking up–  helps activate  internal organs
  • 1 glass  of water 30  minutes before a  meal – helps digestion
  • 1 glass  of water before taking a bath – helps  lower blood pressure
  • 1 glass  of water before going to bed –  helps to avoid stroke, heart attack & leg cramps.


Think of your level of self-discipline like a muscle. If you don’t use it consistently; it will decrease. The good news is, the more you use it consistently; it grows.

On a scale of 1 to 10 (1 being minimum and 10 being maximum); any level of effort you put into exercising will produce progress. More effort – more progress. A person might be physiologically able to workout at a level of 8, without injury or over-training. However, if that same person’s psychological max is a 4; then subconsciously, he or she will sabotage anything 5 or above. Always take into consideration where you are mentally. Build your self-discipline ‘muscle’ with the same methods that you train your skeletal muscles.

Never underestimate the power of your mind. Leave every workout feeling powerful, not abused. Remember, “slow and steady wins the race.”

A Letter To You (You know who you are!)

My heart goes out to you. I have watched you struggle with your weight for many years now and I ache for you. With your current program; you will never reach your health and fitness goals. This is good news for you! Please understand that there is a way to make significant progress with the same amount of effort. It will not be harder, just different.

Although you and I are not the same; we have enough in common to give me confidence that my methods will help you as they have helped me! As an “over 35” woman…training is and should be different than it is for a younger woman or a man. Train smart; which includes all aspects of body, brain and mind. More is not better when it comes to exercise. Less is not better when it comes to food. NEVER settle for less than what you desire! If you have a desire; I believe that it is proof that it already belongs to you. “God gives you the desires of your heart.” To me, the desires of the heart are the ones that come from inside. It is the ‘Higher Self’ crying out to be seen and heard! How can that be anything BUT possible??

With all of that said; I am writing to offer my service to you. I know that I can help you. If you will allow me the honor of guiding you; I know that success will
be inevitable.

There are a few requirements on your part. Here are the first four.

1) Give sincere thought to what it is that you choose to be & have. In other words – What is it that YOU would like. NOT what ‘should’ or what do others think you should have (a little side note here…I avoid the word ‘want’…..it means something you don’t have..it is negative and holds focus on the opposite of the desired result. Every time we speak of what we ‘want’; our subconscious reminds us that we do NOT have it. It is counterproductive.

2) Find pictures of the body you would choose if you could have ANY body in the world….NO restrictions are allowed here. This might include separate pictures of body parts ..some of legs, arms, waist/abs, etc. Then cut them out and do not include the face or hair (unless it is yours or like yours). You will discover that when NO limitations are put on your choices; the pictures will always fit your genetics and body type – ALWAYS. It is ironic that deep inside we are NOT jealous
of others…we simply recognize that which we are and needs to be expressed. This process is powerful…don’t underestimate the need for visual reminders.

3) Let go of what hasn’t worked up until now. It had purpose. It’s all good.

4) Know that you have the ability to do this. It will be easier than you think… I PROMISE!

This is sacred. We are all gifts to this world. The world is a better place because you are here. Although you have accomplished a lot and given to so many; know that it is enough that you simply breathe in and out. You are a blessing. What you do comes from who you are (not the other way around).

Being fit is not some elusive dream that God bestows upon some and not others. It is not only possible; but a responsibility!

Boost Your HGH

The significant role played by the human growth hormone in the body can not be over emphasized. The signs that go with the deficiency of HGH are so clear that people are now seeking for solutions. The deficiency of this hormone leads to premature aging, low energy levels, loss of body mass and other health challenges that are almost synonymous with old age.

The advancement in genetic engineering has today made available many supplements that serve the purpose by which your body naturally produces its own HGH. Supplements can be of great help but this is not entirely natural. Your body needs to be stimulated so that it can increase is own levels of the hormone it produces. Exercises that increase the metabolic rate of the body have been found to be of great help in this area.


The first and best way to enhance production of your own human growth hormone is by engaging in high intensity strength training. The best place to do this would be at the gym but then with discipline you can easily do this at home. All you need to do is to get some manuals that will show you what to do and how to do to prevent any potential injury.


Strange as it may sound, sleep is one of the best ways to generate HGH. When you get ample sleep you help your body generate this hormone because the pituitary gland works best during the time when you are asleep. By sleeping well you will also boost your physical appearance as your skin also gets to repair itself during the sleep hours.

Stress Management:

Another major reason for depletion of the production of your own growth hormone is stress. The HGH is known to counteract with adrenalin that is secreted during times when you are under stress. Learn how to live a relaxed life amid the challenges you must undergo every day.


There is an old adage that says laughter is the best medicine. In fact, studies have shown that laughing builds your immune system in a way that few modalities can rival! So look for all opportunities to enjoy a good laugh and it will do you plenty of good. If there are laughter clubs in your area, membership would look like a pretty good idea as you will learn laughter techniques which are said to heal a lot of diseases in your body. Do not under-estimate the value of a good laugh.

Yes, you can actually boost the level of your human growth hormone by learning a little about the physiology of your body. Apply simple lifestyle techniques and your body will surely thank you for it.

krill vs. fish oil

I recommend to EVERYONE..taking omega 3 supplements. We hear so much about “good fats” and “bad fats” and most people assume that their diets are healthy as long as they include a lot of omega 6’s (oilves, oilve oil, avocado, CLA, evening primrose oil, etc)

Two things to remember:

  1.  The human body can make most of the types of fats it needs from other fats or raw materials. That isn’t the case for omega-3 fatty acids
  2. (as with most of the systems in our bodies) it’s all about balance and ratios. Ideally, a person should maintain a ratio of 1:1 – omega 6 to 3. I believe we can vary this to a 3:1 ratio and be fine. Some experts are going so far as to say a 6:1 ratio is OK. Keep in mind that the average American has a 25:1 ratio of omega 6’s to omega 3’s..creating an immflamatory response (in addition to other undesirable results) throughout the body!! In order to bring those numbers closer..try to keep track of how many and how much of the different type of fats you ingest; including 3’s, 6’s and 9’s (and trans fats–eeyuk..deadly) If you take an omega supplement that includes a balance of 3, 6 & 9 fats..you might still have to add additional omega 3’s to ‘close the gap’.

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