About Lynn

Growing up; I was athletic..a Tomboy. I took ballet as a young girl, gymnastics throughout junior high and high school, cheerleading in high school and college  then worked as a dancer and entertainer at Disney World.

In 1975, a serious motorcycle accident, marriage, children and over 15 years of leading a very stressful and unhealthy lifestyle left me with numerous health issues. The doctors had given me a very bleak picture of how my life would be. The prognosis included surgery, drugs, pain and little mobility. Something in me refused to claim that as my destiny. I began learning as much as I could about nutrition, fitness and how the body works. I started by reading all of my (then) husband’s medical journals. It didn’t take long for me to realize that the information in those publications promoted the “treatment” of individual symptoms with drugs. No wonder! After every article, there would be an advertisement from a pharmaceutical company. I wanted to know how my body could heal itself.

Even though the doctors told me I wouldn’t be able to lift anything heavier than a pile of laundry–or walk for 30 minutes three times per week; I started running and going to the gym. It was there that I saw a woman, who was a little older than I, with an amazing body. I remember telling my friend, “I want to look like her”. She was a personal trainer. Hiring her was the best decision I could have made to improve my health. Spending that money–which was more than I could practically afford at the time–turned out to be a wise investment. My life changed for the better. My passion had found its path. So, in 1996 I changed careers and became certified to help others. 

My mission is to empower women through education and encouragement. Being fit isn’t just for the rich or genetically gifted few. It’s every person’s birthright. The journey is a personal one. Yet, we share many common obstacles and rewards. It is my sincere belief that we all have the ability to manifest our hearts’ deepest desires….it begins with the 1st Set.